@sakox010 said:
If intent is an element that's required, it'll probably be pretty tough to prove there was intent given the circumstances of this incident.
Lol. I find this whole thread hilarious because no one here seems to understand how a…
I appreciate your comments and I agree with that it is important to support people when you can. As it relates to your first part about torts, that was my point. Trying to prove intent without injury one year later would be next to imposs…
@SuperMario929 said:
7Sage is about supporting members of the community, and your comments to OP go against that standard.
Lol. I don't think my comments go against that standard at all. Check out the following thread:
@xenonhexafluoro said:
Also people aren't assuming the assault took place...they're just offering advice as to whether/how OP should make OP's case to LSAC. LSAC wouldn't "assume" whether the assault happened or not either, it would make a det…
@xenonhexafluoro said:
To be more productive in the future, I think identifying any missing information in the post and asking OP questions about that missing information before rendering a conclusion would be a good approach.
If there is mo…
@"Jonah Chadwick Griego" said:
A bit of a harsh take with such a small reference point of knowledge no?
How is it harsh? I'm going off of what the person said. What they described is not an assault. It is not even clear if they were touched …
You should not have been working after time was called. The fact that you were targeted as opposed to others is irrelevant. That is like saying others were speeding when you get pulled over. It’s still up to the cop as to whether to give you a ticke…
It's not inconceivable, but it's unlikely considering Notre Dame's acceptance rate. Notre Dame is right around a top 20 school.
A lot depends on the admissions board and the strength of the other applicants in the class. Not all schools value the G…