I know this conversation was really a long time ago, but it's an interesting topic of discussion. It's something that I've often wondered about as well. (How specific/non specific should a prephrase be)
So I just wanna start off by saying that I'm not an expert at the LSAT. I've been studying for a long while with little test day results, especially on logical reasoning. ( although my practice scores have been reasonably good) I will say this, RC …
My original target score was 165. I've studied for YEARS (3) with little improvement. (In part due issues like anxiety) I took the September LSAT and I got a 148. I received a 144 last year and I have been through basically all the practice tests, b…
The community. I haven't rally improved my score like I wanted through 7sage, but the resources are there for help . There is a great community of people who help as much as possible. As my membership ends, I think that will be the best part of my e…
I would love to talk about game 2 and game 4 when we're allowed. I had no clue what to do on those after I diagramed the game. Of course, three was something to behold in itself, but I really had trouble with these games. I'm usually at least comfor…
Yeah, I know you should do it. I'm asking whether you get better at doing it overtime. So in other words, since I'm able to elminate two, will I be able to eliminate more on each question. I think you guys have answered it from what you're saying t…
This is a comment left by Brna0174, a 7sage mentor. This illustrates my point. Almost everyone else who does games really well says the same...I hope he/she doesn't mind me quoting them, but this is at the core of my frustration with games at certai…
I get everything you said, but the purpose of us grouping games into categories is so that we can see how certain game types are similar to each other, especially in terms of making the inferences....right?
That's freakin awesome! I've actually seen Johnathan's example on YouTube and it was extremely helpful for me personally to see the process in real time... Can't wait to see the other videos. I think some of us are just visual people. While the less…