Fire Alarm went off during the exam. They evacuated us outside and made us wait for 15 minutes in the cold before allowing us back in to finish the test... the alarm went off at the 3 minute mark while I was on my last passage on my reading comprehe…
@tylerdschreur10 said:
@m_downing said:
Trying to recall other questions, but my brain is fried. LR RC LR LR LG - second LR section ended with a question about PTSD, stress, and cortisol levels and another about Planet 256 (or some…
@"jasmine.judge" said:
@tiffwallacexo said:
had three LRs, i remember one was hard... it had 26 questions and a question about an ancient greek charachter reading a tablet that asked to reject one of the statements? Was that exper…