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  • @MissChanandler I got a 151 in June -- my hope is to get to160-165 (of course more would be great), PT average is 155. Trying to stay positive but also realistic. Thanks in advance for the advice!
  • @"samantha.ashley92" said: I would look at your BR and see where your weaknesses are. If any of them are fundamental skills, redo the CC for those. If there are any question types that you really struggled with, do some more practice sets and …
  • @TheDeterminedC said: I think using the post curriculum PTs (36-50) to drill both timed and untimed is a huge help. Specifically, your goal is to ease yourself into this time constraint while still implementing what you have learned. Work on g…
  • @"Leah M B" Thank you for all of your help! @mariev22 No worries at all, I'm glad my questions helped! I'll be sending you a message in a bit!
  • Thank you so much for your thorough response, it really helps a lot! Did you find studying with both Powerscore and 7Sage to be complementary where the different approaches helped to solidify the information better? Once you got to 5 sections, did y…