I would agree with Kyle; this is one of my stronger areas so it will not require nearly as much preparation. Having said that, I believe it is good practice to see how they expect it structured and to practice a few 2 page essays based on the criter…
Ironically I posted the very same question earlier yesterday and withdrew my June 10th because I did not feel fully prepared. The advice I was given, if I may paraphrase, was that unless you feel absolutely ready and you've done the proctored timed…
Thank you to all, I was leaning towards the withdraw anyway and after reviewing the commentary and my options, I withdrew this morning. And quite frankly, notwithstanding the loss of the fee, I feel much more relaxed knowing I have the time to do th…
I must agree with J.Y, burning through tests really can be very counterproductive. After all what if you did the June test and got a score somewhat less than you need and rebooked a 2nd for Oct - then you wouldn't have any to work with.
I took a somewhat different approach. Once I read through the basic concept and how selection criteria are provided, I just use the commute downtown now and then to write out a 2 page essay 1-2 a week to pass the time.
I would argue retaking is extremely valuable. First, from other forums, it is my understanding many students "burn through" all the PT's too quickly; they just go from one to the next but do not really understand why they missed questions so they do…
I have the dubious distinction of having to take a very long train the same morning to do my exam at the University of Western Ontario (they didn't have any slots in Toronto); I would guess the best way to spend that time is, as you note, an easy ga…