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  • @LCMama2017 I completely feel you. I thought I was understanding JY's explanations, understanding my textbook and then every time I take a PT I hit a wall. I took off months of work to study and I'm hardly seeing any progress. I think both of us are…
  • I'm in the same place! I'll finish the course mid-May. So far things have been going well, but I'm concerned June is too soon. I'm putting in long hours at the moment, so I may see how I'm doing Mid-May (deadline for changing test dates)
  • I second the BR. I have been doing it ever since I learned about it through this course.
  • @teamteamvicster said: Hi @mjs44 Nope! PTs are limited and precious, so definitely save them. The core curriculum should be about learning fundamentals. I refer back to the CC often to review things I thought I understood but turned out I…
  • @teamteamvicster said: Hi! Boy that comment looks funky. There are all kinds of scroll bars going on. I went through the core curriculum and did the problem sets included at the end of the lessons. Once finished with the CC, I PT'd, found area…
  • @xadrianas6x said: I haven't PTed since I started, focusing instead on finishing the CC. I am only a couple percent away from finishing the CC now and PTing again. LG held me up an extra week or so. I am nervous excited about that. I feel l…