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  • @Sheri123 better prep would have been to take a different test (I'm only partially kidding). Like @Pacifico the math inferences about the distribution in LG4 made it much easier - but it took me too long to realize that. I feel like 3 was more abou…
  • I decided on high-conflict divorce after watching my boyfriend's disastrous divorce/custody battle with an unstable ex-wife play out across two continents. (I never had any interest in law before that). I decided that 1. courts overall do not have e…
  • Sure it's hard and money can be found in all kinds of other ways, but I would hope many of us are doing this because we believe in something that's worth all the hard work and maybe not the best pay. This isn't to say any one person is better than a…
  • I want to work in high-conflict divorce and family court issues, but am not sure if law school will end up being financially feasible for me. We'll see how the next LSAT scores come out... @Pacifico how are you avoiding the cost of law school??
  • I can't stress enough how strongly I agree with the comments here. To improve meaningfully on the LSAT, you need time to digest the concepts and processes you're learning and for that you need resting periods. A schedule like you've proposed (I thin…
  • 42 this fall with a daughter in college and a son one year from high school. Glad to see I'm not the only one starting late! I'm hoping to get 10 years' work in before retirement One thing is clear at my age: I can't do student loans for it! If any…
  • My center had a clock with the wrong time on the wall (not even off by an hour, but more like 47 minutes fast). The proctor's watch was 5 minutes fast. She also left once during the test, came back and announced that we had 5 minutes left, then said…
  • I went back and forth between the 40s - 50s a few months before the test, but at 2 months out I started doing mostly 60s with one from the 30/40s every few tests and saved the latest 60s and 70s for the last few weeks before the test (in the end I d…
  • @msizzlee if you did awful after a full day at work, then take more PTs after a full day at work. Every weakness you can find is an opportunity to eliminate it before you get in the room on test day. I did about 1 or occasionally 2 PTs in a week, v…
  • I'm tossing in my two cents here, with some caveats: first, I have not taken the LSAT yet (I take it next week) so there's no telling how my studying will pay off in terms of the actual test (my PT range is mid- to high-160s). Second, I did not take…
  • I was in exactly the same boat as you both a month ago (knock on wood that I may be coming out of it). I went from getting 165 range to 156, 157 and 161. Like @visualcreed, I attribute it partly to the newer tests just "feeling" different as well as…
  • Quick question for of those of you who planned to take the Dec LSAT: did you take it and if so, how did you do? I'm preparing for the June LSAT and am trying to learn as much as I can so I can (hopefully) take it just once...
  • I'm super late to this thread but would love to meet up with someone to study and/or take timed practice tests. Could also definitely use help with in/out games if anyone's an expert (I'm just sitting down to go through tutorials). I'm planning on t…