Maybe step back from studying for a few days, give yourself time to reset. Racing against the clock doesn't help much with the LSAT, but your mental state can make an enormous difference.
@"Nomads Poem" said:
I’d be interested! I’m located in San Bernardino County. Willing to meet at a half way point or whatever is good.
Great! Message me what times your available so I can match up everyone’s schedules. For now it’s looking l…
@ebby_luna said:
It depends to what school you're applying too. I am also re taking the LSAT in November and in my humble opinion, if you get a higher score above the median you will be fine. Also, applying in November is not actually that lat…
Hi! So up until recently, I've been treating NA and SA the same, and the answer is no. We can't negate the SA answer choices to see if it works, because the conclusion has to follow logically from the premises. What's been helpful to me is spotting …
I've used to miss an average of 5/6 on RC, but now its closer to 2/3. I've been told it's helpful to avoid scrutinizing the details of the passage and instead focus on putting each paragraph in context of the whole. Does paragraph one present a prob…
I usually categorize it the same way I would for 'most' or 'usually'. It allows for instances where, for example, lying is NOT the morally appropriate thing to do. So an answer choice that says something along the lines of, "it is always the case th…
@"Cant Get Right" said:
I love this question and the answer is “all of the above.”
Question type is the first pattern most people learn. The interaction between the AC’s and the stimulus is a little different for each type which is vitall…
Fewer PTs, more question analysis, drills, and intense review. Got it. On the bright side, I have a good idea of the questions I'm consistently missing, so I'll use the time to correct whatever is tripping me up on those. Thanks for the help everyon…