@"Adam Hawks" @"Michael.Cinco" @Alice003 It was great studying with you all last night. I appreciate all of the great advice and analysis. This is a journey for all of us. Therefore (lol), I think it is important for us to enjoy it. Looking forward …
Nice! This week is my first preptest after getting done with the core curriculum. I'm starting on preptest 52 and working my way up from there. Blind review will be part of the process for me along with doing a sufficient amount of preptests (20-30)…
@LSAT_Wrecker Thanks for the advice! I also was considering the July test as well. But 7 more months to study does seem scary to a certain degree. However, the new format does sound like a win win situation.
@25Seamus If that’s the case, I think you should apply now. However, if a higher LSAT score is a condition for greater scholarship opportunities, I’d say take the January LSAT.
@IreneShrimpeater No problem. You’re only five points away from your target score. I think you should probably retake the January test. The application deadline for Berkeley is February 15th if I’m not mistaken. Berkeley is one of my top choices as …