@MissChanandler Hi! No, Im worried about how I will score on the test. Thus, I want to make sure I have a second attempt to raise my score, if needed. I am applying for RD, which I believe for most schools, the deadline is March 1st? I wouldn't quot…
@AngusMcGillis I appreciate your comment, it is both realistic and motivational. Im really trying to put forth as much effort as possible. I see your point, the skills that I need to obtain in order to perform well cannot be rush nor learned through…
@lsat_kp20 Thank you for your helpful comment. I am taking both the November and January test. So should I just purchase the Ultimate and then upgrade after the November test?
I dont really mind spending the money, so long as it can help with raising my score. Unfortunately, I have to take the November test due to time constraints. However, I will also be taking the January test.