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  • @Pacifico Thanks for the input. Lets say that I apply this cycle and don't get into any school that I would like to attend and I decide to retake the LSAT in December and reapply --- can I still use the same personal statement and "why do you want …
  • @as5324therapy lol k.
  • @blah170blah Thanks for your advice. I was also considering option B, but I'm wondering how law schools view 4 lsat attempts. Does it matter? Will it matter if i hit a high 160 score on my fourth take?
  • @"J.Y. Incarnate" birds yo.
  • @legaldreams yea that was experimental for youl; real one had black theatre, women in history, lamarkism, and corporate fines.
  • No idea to be honest; I've always thought the same. June is always curved the worst, Dec the easiest.
  • -14 i will cry tears of joy.
  • Past Dec curves to get a 170: 2014: -12 2013: -14 2012: -12 2011: -14 2010: -14 2009: -14 2008: -11 2007: -11 2006: -11
  • dude: is there a clock somewhere? proctor: yes, on the wall. dude: silent. i swear i saw at least 4 people in my room without a watch. "are you serious?"
  • same boat you guys, I thought it was smooth sailing until i got to LG. 3rd and 4th game almost entirely guessed on. im hoping that some of those guesses are correct (went with C for the heck of it) and that there is a lenient curve.
  • reachingsarah: i had the same and i was like wtf, this is the first question? i think i established that its the experimental.
  • I would cancel if I were you. thats a lot of wrong answers.
  • F$&*ing thank you baby jesus; the first LR was brutal. any guesses on the curve? it was -14/170 in December 2013...
  • Yes, the one before LG (3rd LR) was somewhat easier compared to the other two. It was 26 questions. I really hope the first LR was experimental, found it ridiculously difficult right off the bat.
  • had an LR-RC-LR-LR-LG test. I'm trying to figure out which LR was experimental. Does anyone remember something about lemurs? What about dino nostrils/ocean vessels? So pissed off because it was generally smooth sailing until I got to LG. Game 3 ha…
  • All three were 25 questions for me. I'm concerned about the first LR, there was heavy construction just outside my window during the first section and it really threw me off, making me guess 5 LR questions at the end. Whether or not I will cancel de…
  • Yea, I'm on there. Everyone seems to remember the specific question types but can't remember which LR section it was in. I just remembered that the first LR had a question about the city leasing/revenues. Does that click for anyone that DIDN'T have …
  • I know it's real, I just can't remember if it was in the first LR section or subsequent LR sections for people with the set-up such as mine.
  • The last game was a killer for most people, which leads me to hope that even with -12 a 170 is still possible (curve). This is the only reason I'm considering not cancelling and just seeing my darn score. Ugh.
  • 7sagelsatstudent180 - TBH I think I struggled with another game as well but ran out of time to review it, that's why I'm considering another cancel. I've read in a lot of other forums that all they really care about is your highest score.
  • Yea I definitely agree that I don't want to come off as a whiner or as a person who makes excuses, but then again I'm positive that my score yesterday doesn't reflect my potential. So the question remains whether to cancel a second time or keep the …
  • In a similar situation myself. I cancelled LSAT in December 2014 due to family issues (father passed away). Just took LSAT June 2015 and the last logic game really threw me off, plus there was construction outside during the first LR section (I had …