What really helps me is to think about the answer choice that absolutely must be true in order for the argument to hold. With C, for example, it could be true, but it doesn't HAVE to be. Not being able to open the windows doesn't absolutely mean tha…
@kipamadden said:
Thanks for the advice. Would it look bad for law school admissions if chanced it and took the March LSAT as well as the June LSAT?
I think it could look bad because it'll seem you're taking it when you aren't ready. While t…
Given that you're not scoring close to where your target is, I'd say you should probably wait until June or later and keep studying. 45 days really isn't enough time for you to get your score to jump almost 15 points, and to get it to stay there con…
I'm totally in the same boat. Been studying for this on and off since 2016 with a full-time job, and I'm so ready to be done with it. I know it's really hard not to get discouraged, but I imagine that you did the best you could with the circumstance…
Totally recommend the podcast with @NotMyName about his score jump from a 148 to a 174! This was the most recent 7sage podcast that I listened to, but really helped narrow down how different strategies are needed for different score jumps (what you …
Hard to make this short without going into too many details... but here goes!
I applied previously for the last application cycle and got into a few school, but they really weren’t my top choices so I decided against going last Fall. I’m applying f…