Don't beat yourself up. LG has a huge learning curve because it is dramatically different from all the other stuff we are used to do. Break down where you get stuck, what kind of inferences do you usually miss or take a while to make? Make a little …
Definitely focus on finishing the foolproof for LG, i find that to be the section with the most improvement over a short period of time. That way you can have some more wiggle room for wrong answers in the other sections.
RC is usually a hit/miss f…
LR: they allow scratch paper and I've found it super helpful for any conditional relationships that's harder to keep in my mind. other than that, I use highlighter mainly for MC and a different colour for breaks or change of direction (i.e But, howe…
I am in the exact same boat. Getting two scores of mid high 140 on the past two LSAT and scoring average on the PTs I've done with a few outliers here and there. I've been going back and fourth on just skipping out on June and doing July etc. Let me…