Not sure why you think a "Cancel" in the LSAT history would look any better than just a low score. In other words, I think these two applicants would be exactly the same:
Applicant A:
1) Cancel
2) 171
Applicant B:
1) 163
2) 171
If this beco…
Are you sure they dont list a more specific GPA eslewhere? My GPA, for example, is listed as: "GPA:
3.75 and up/almost all As"
on the cover sheet,
But then in the body of the academic summary report, it has an actual number.
Getting shot is generally only a boost if its during a mass shooting and you can spin it politically, or possibly if it is someone with a history of mental illness and you can play that angle. A random shooting in the foot or butt because of a famil…
When they say "Native American," they almost always are referring to the tribes that were indigenous to areas that are now the USA. In other words, Mayans would not count as "Native American" as the term is used in the USA (I dont know why this is, …