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  • It's my understanding that all law schools must get back to you with a decision, however the timing is up to them- unfortunately, I have heard stories of people applying in Sept and not hearing back until the following July
  • Sorry, which question are you talking about?
    in #Help Comment by hannahco December 2019
  • Which # is F97? It looks like the early PTs do not have explanations for LR unfortunately, probably because the questions are quite different and unrepresentative of current tests. I have been doing the PTs in order and it was a struggle for some of…
    in . Comment by hannahco December 2019
  • I recently went to a law school fair and admissions officers there generally advised you to take it as few times as possible, 3 times at the most they said. However, I'm sure taking it 5 times and ending with a 170 would trump someone who just took …
  • In your case I don't think ranking matters much. Graduating with minimal debt would be worth it for me if I were in your position- try to make good connections in your legal community!
  • No, I haven't done writing for July either and I'm registered for October. You just need to have one on file for when you apply I believe
  • I don't think another cancel would look bad esp since July will be introducing the digital. Plus if you do choose to cancel you have the option of a free retake which you can study for and potentially improve your score a few months down the line. I…