@lsatplaylist said:
If you can go to the office hours conference with Sami, she's walked with students through so many things and so has Josh. I think they're both taking the time for office hours soon. They're very devoted to helping student…
@"lawschool2020-2" said:
I also had a similar experience. I was PTing 164-167, and it was a shock to see a 155 yesterday. Not only did LG get me, so did RC which I did not see coming. I am going to make sure I get LG to my fullest potential si…
@nycgal90 said:
I had the exact same thing happen to me on the July LSAT of this year. I was PT'ing in the 151-153 range and I ended up getting a 143. Not only was it almost 10 points below my average, but it was actually WORSE than when I too…
@"Shane C." said:
I did decent on the LG, but totally bombed the reading comprehension and one section of logical reasoning. Can't believe it...
But lets stay positive looking towards November!
Legit same situation, people talking about…
@"Super Saiyan" said:
I think it is worth blind reviewing them, and I will tell you why. Those questions you end up leaving up to chance by guessing, they aren't guaranteed to be that exact same type that you leave on the table, come test day.…