@lexxx745 said:
With that amount of time, depending on how much material you have left, id consider picking up the economist for RC
Yhh. I'd say RC has been one of my weakest sections till date. I think reading Economist will be beneficial. …
@"z.k.gabrielson" said:
Oh yeah! That's about how often I studied before my first test and I studied for less than two months (oops). Anyway, I got to the mid/high 160s without much practice. Afterwards for my retake I did an additional 4 mont…
@Logician said:
I think so! 8 months is a good amount of time. If you are diligent and consistent with your studies you can do it.
Make sure you’re BR’ing and always try to take something away from each PT you take. When it’s ti…
@taschasp said:
Skimming is the worst thing you can do on the LSAT. Pause for a second after everything you read and ask yourself if you properly understood it. If not, why? Try to dissect what happened. But don't move on until you've properly…