@lucky7wy My degree summary GPA is the same GPA that is on my final transcript for the university that I graduated from. My cumulative GPA is .005 higher than my degree summary GPA, and to my knowledge, which is by no means 100% absolute, the LSAC i…
@lucky7wy They are the same if your undergrad GPA and LSAC GPA are the same. The degree summary GPA is the unmodified university GPA; the cumulative GPA is the recalculated GPA of LSAC that includes all transcripts.
Realistically your degree GPA d…
@jfpeterkin The degree summary is your final undergrad GPA, or the most recent transcript if KJD. To the right of that it should have a cumulative GPA and that is the official LSAC GPA.
@Markmark said:
Where do you see your ugpa average on LSAC? Mine just says 3.0-3.5 is that it?
Assuming LSAC has all your transcripts you do the following:
1. Login to your LSAC account
2. At the top navigation bar click "Credentials &…