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  • @"Matthew LLC" I totally understand your reasoning and did something similar for the LG section. When I first started LSAT prep I could barely finish the first 3 games in 35 minutes. It just felt completely demoralizing to do LG drills in 35 minutes…
  • @brna0714 I actually just took PT 57 today and found it pretty difficult compared to others I have taken recently (both old and newer). The LG section was brutal, the dinosaur game took me like 13 mins! I also found both LR sections really difficult…
  • @nicole.hopkins thanks, that sounds great! I will message you now!
  • @nicole.hopkins Thank you for the extremely articulate response! I fully agree that RC is a completely different game and that any experience with textual analysis is not necessarily helpful. I'm glad I am not the only one with this problem though, …
  • This is me exactly. I finished the core course a few weeks ago and have gotten exactly 171 on every PT since. While this is a significant jump from my pre-7sgae scores of 160-166 it makes me feel like I have somehow reached my limit. I consistently …