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  • Following bc I’m on the same boat. Highest has been 158 despite being able to score in the mid 160s during BR 🥲 can’t crack 160 timed probably bc I can’t finish LG ever
  • The consensus seems to be that PTs in the 80s are much harder. Apparently RC is much harder and LR has become wordier and more complex. LG have stayed around the same and apparently have may be slightly easier with some exceptions. I recommend looki…
  • Honestly, it depends on your other sections a good bit. If you average say -6 on reading comp, which is decent imo, you could get away with something like a -3 on LG and a -9 on LR for a 160. If you do worse on reading comp or LG, you may not have a…
  • I think the curve for a 180 is -0 or -1 on the entire test. Maybe a -2 in some tests? In other words, consider what your chances of getting around -1 on the actual exam are and you’ll have your answer.
  • @"cardoso.janay" Do I still have a chance or no? lol YES! I still encourage you to use Khan Academy. Khan Academy usually sets a suggested time for completion for LG, however, you can take as long as you want. I would recommend taking the L…
    in . Comment by ClaudioD21 September 2022
  • If you plan on taking October, then I agree all your time should go to LG. If you have no idea what you’re doing, go through the CC to get familiar with the games. If you already did that then great. All you need to do is practice! Choose games from…
    in . Comment by ClaudioD21 September 2022
  • I agree. You might as well not do October at all if you don’t feel ready. Save the money and just take it later on when you feel prepared!
  • If you’re short on time and doing drills and getting a lot of questions wrong try to see if there’s certain question types that you’re getting wrong more than others. Then considering going back to watch the videos on those question. However, if you…
  • I believe once we can choose the time on ProctorU, the times range from 7 am through 8 or 9 pm EST roughly. I would recommend choosing a time ASAP. I waited till the end last time to choose a time and the only options available were 7 am. For contex…
  • @katie_L_B said: In-Out Games are a beast for me. Something that helped me develop my intuition about splitting boards was going through board set ups for games I'd already taken and writing out every conceivable board combination with the pie…
  • @"Anonymous-3-1-1-1-1" said: @Claudia77 said: A necessary assumption is necessary for the conclusion to be true. If the necessary assumption is false, the conclusion cannot stand. For NA questions, you want to find an assumption th…
  • Hello! I had a similar situation where I was trying to study for the LSAT while taking 6 difficult classes in my senior year of undergrad. I ended up taking my actual LSAT as basically a cold exam and scored a poor 150. I decided to opt for the gap …
  • I would recommend doing at least 1 PT per week. While PTs are a limited resource, they’re also good indicators of where you’re struggling and where you’re not. Going through the CC is good but you need to be applying and practicing what you're learn…
  • @"Matt Sorr" said: Whether or not you should simulate modern is personal preference. If you don't, you'll be given four sections, just like how the test is actually administered now. Your repeat section will always be LR, however. What I do is…
  • Hi! Just wanted to say that depending on your diagnostic score, 4.5 months isn’t too bad! I would recommend not just simply doing straight PTs but also establishing some foundations while doing PTs. I recommend some of the PowerScore books especial…