I think its important to pay attention to the specific prompt that each school has. For example, I listed a few part-time jobs in my application that did not make my resume because a few schools specifically asked for "Any job, full, part-time, or v…
Take the time you need to get the score you want / are capable of, whether that is one month, one year, or more. The test is definitely learn-able and it rewards dogged persistence. It sounds like you have a very supportive boss / employment situati…
Sigh, the break from status checkers was nice. As hard as I try to stay away from them, I fear that with admissions offices opening again, I'll be back to my daily sweep. Only three remaining, so at least I spend less time doing it now. How's everyo…
@Overcomer said:
So at one school my application is under review. It went under review sometime last week, and then updated again this week, with the new date. Does that mean anything? Is this school actively reviewing my application? Should I…
To echo @Louislepauvre 's point, feel free to take as many tests as you want to, but don't just burn through tests just because they are there. Each practice test you take should be looked at as a diagnostic tool. Take the test, identify areas of we…
@"Leah M B" said:
@LSAT_Wrecker said:
All that to say, I think that’s why CA costs are justified. Because if you do want to work there, attending a local school vastly improves your chances at both passing the bar and getting a …
@Overcomer said:
I was accepted into one school in less than a week of applying. I just wish my other schools could get back to me as quick. When do you think the next wave of decisions will go out after the New Year?
I think it really varie…
Pithy gifs aside, as an applicant looking at both southern California and a mid-west market (St. Louis), how does one justify the huge premium California schools charge when looking at their outcomes (lower bar passage rates and overall JD required …
So the bar passage rate at one of my top choices just dropped by 14%...
Agree with all of the above. Including it (in practical, not grandiose terms) is better than having a gap on your resume.
FWIW, although I have a 25+ year military career on my resume, I was asked to write an addendum on "what have you been doing s…
I second every thing @MissChanandler said. Welcome! Do not put a timeline on your studies. Really dig into the CC and focus on understanding the fundamentals within it, not just plowing through the lessons. I would not focus at all on the timing sug…
Second the recommendation for a 7Sage edit.
I would also try to show it to someone(s) who does not know you that well. Sometimes friends can read into your writing because they know you and might unconsciously fill in some blanks left in your narra…
@Emily2122 said:
I've never unsubscribed from so many emails in my life...
I hear you. I opened up (went public with) my CRS after the September LSAT. After about 3 weeks of being bombarded, I closed it again. I'm still unsubscribing from em…
FWIW and N=1. I took the test 3 times. The first time I sat I went in knowing I would not hit my target score (because of where I was PTing). I just wanted to "see" how the experience felt. Amazingly, the proctored test was exactly like my timed PT …
Hi. It would really help with providing you feedback if you were to give us individualized information so we would be able to contextualize your question. For example, what preparation (materials, hours per week, etc) did you do leading into your fi…
I think people are different; however, if I skipped a question in RC, I would come back to it prior to moving on to the next passage. There is no way I could revert back to a previous passage's material / theme if there were multiple other RC passag…
Don't take anything in my last post to be a "you got to go this tier of school to be successful." I myself am seriously considering offers across the range of tiers based on multiple factors such as location, market(s) served, and scholarship offers…
@jkpokou said:
@LSAT_Wrecker said:
Why the rush? Is there something preventing you from a more reasonable and methodical approach to taking this test preparation seriously and giving it the time a serious life goal deserves? While …
I worked my way though the lessons and then tweaked how I went through the practice sets. If I felt comfortable (and was performing well) on the practice sets, I did every other one (1/3/5 etc) so I would get exposed to each level of difficulty. Thi…
@MissChanandler said:
If you're wanting to take in March, does that mean you're applying for the next cycle? If so, then I'd aim for a summer test (June or July).
While lots of "things" are possible, a rapid increase (+12 or more poin…
Why the rush? Is there something preventing you from a more reasonable and methodical approach to taking this test preparation seriously and giving it the time a serious life goal deserves? While a lot is possible in five weeks, why not give yoursel…
You mention debt. Are you big law or death? I just ask because I work in St Louis and am surrounded by lawyers who went to St Louis University (currently ranked in the high 80's I believe) and they seem to make enough to buy a car, pay their mortgag…
@"Cant Get Right" said:
This was always my go to:
Both are accurate depictions of how I feel right now. I'm still on cloud 9.