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  • @emli1000 Sooooo true. The abrupt realization that I don't have enough time has hit me twice over the course of a year. It's amazing how quickly time flies and although I convince myself that I'm 'studying hard', I am not doing nearly enough to prep…
  • That's a good point that I definitely didn't think about. Thank you @ddakjiking for replying so quickly and calming my nerves! I really, really appreciate it!
  • I'd say if you're comfortable with your knowledge of fundamentals, after you take tests under timed conditions and thoroughly BR the entire test, watch the explanation videos for the LG and perhaps upgrade the course to get the explanations for PT 3…
  • Hi Tom. I'm Meg. I need you to do me a huge favor and just take a deep breath for a few moments. I need you to do me another favor and remember that in the end it will be ok. Whatever happens, it will be ok. Perhaps another deep breath. One more. Ok…
  • I empathize with the intent of opening the law school though. I think there needs to be more innovation addressing the problems of high student debt and market saturation. I think it's a pretty solid idea to have professors teach exclusively without…
  • I definitely wouldn't recommend reading every question before you start the passage; however, I do recall J.Y. commenting under one of the RC explanations that it might be helpful to glance over the questions requiring you to refer to a specific lin…
  • Thanks!! This is awesome!
  • I completed every PS Bible and was honestly still stuck at ground zero. 7Sage is a much better system as it emphasizes drilling and is also much more concise. If I could go back in time, I'd start with 7Sage and toss/sell the PS Bibles. Some people …
  • There is nothing as capable of inspiring collective action than a GIF of JT in his N'SYNC prime.
  • Another thing to consider: your scholarships don't have to come 100% from your law school. There are many outside resources for scholarship funding based on essay contests, minority status, etc. It might only be a little bit here or there but anythi…
  • This post was very, very helpful. To anyone struggling with LG, I suggest reading through it to get plenty of decent information in terms of studying LG sections. Much appreciated @Pacifico!
  • Yes, for Harvard and Yale there is a bit of a financial trade-off. You have a high earning potential but more potential debt since I can't imagine anyone attaining a full-ride unless there are extenuating, extenuating circumstances. @"Nilesh S" is t…
  • Yes, please don't neglect to cover them. Even though they are pretty rare, the LSAC loves ruining people's days by throwing in unexpected games. I don't know exactly when they appeared last, but with the new ban on PDFs making questions more inacces…
  • @blah170blah I LOVE this! Sorry to hear that you're stuck in the lower 170s but I'm so appreciative that you've shared your journey with the 7Sage World. You've put so much effort into the LSAT and you deserve every gain. I might, just might, put la…
  • @"Dillon A. Wright" Touché good sir... touché.
  • I'm sorry to hear that you missed the memo about the ban on PDFs, but emailing you the PDFs is not only against 7Sage policy but also illegal. The below quotation is taken from the 7Sage terms of service agreement (…
  • LSAT motivation movie list: Legally Blonde, Paper Chase, Legally Blonde 2. That way you end on a positive note and have hope for your future as an attorney battling animal cruelty in the US legislature. We are all destined to do that, even you Ms. P…
  • You basically answered your own question since this is one of the most solid study plans I've seen on discussion posts. The fundamentals are sooooo important and three months of PTs sounds splendid. Good on you, mate (I can get away with saying 'mat…
  • NO FREAKING WAY. Why didn't you wait to tell us this! Now I have to anxiously wait a week! But this is beautiful. Thank you @nicole.hopkins. Also, @"Dillon A. Wright" that GIF is from the 1st movie not the 2nd one... gosh. Get it together man. I'd i…
  • Oh man. I was always a first row kind of person but not so much a gunner… Does anyone know of any Law School prep books entitled "Not Being an Asshole 101?" That would be SO helpful.
  • @nicole.hopkins Beautifully said, as always!
  • Also, I forgot to mention thank you! This post is great!
  • @emli1000 Uggggg. As soon as we think the LSAT is done… BAM. Law School. Same brain destruction. Same needless frustration. I'm going to go curl into the fetal position and contemplate my life for a couple of hours whilst uncontrollably sobbing.
  • If you have even the slight feeling that starting over would be better then I think that is what you should do. I understand the hesitence to do that since it is a very time-involved task, but the 'dart to the dart board' approach of picking a rando…
  • Yup! Once they are on your computer they'll be safe. Be sure to save them to a flash drive as well to ensure you won't lose them.
    in PDFs Comment by VegMeg55 April 2015
  • Are you eating and re-hydrating during your beak? It might seem silly, but it could be dehydration and low blood sugar. I'd agree with @alexroark5 to practice 5 or 6 sections straight through, but when you reincorporate a break, be sure to eat somet…
  • @Jengibre Any time!
  • @"Nilesh S" I think that should be the ultimate quote for LSAT prep: "Focus on getting awesome not fast." Totally agree wit everything he said (duh, he's the 7Sage Discussion Yoda *bows down to his LSAT wisdom*). Focusing on speed rather than compre…
  • What is this sorcery???
  • @mes08 My LSAT performance is definitely affected by what I eat and it's also just another thing to worry about (If only we didn't have to feed ourselves...). My meal plan keeps me from stress eating, keeps my food costs low, and is also efficient i…