@"Seeking Perfection" "I cannot justify those expenditures for creating a regression with data which doesn't conform to basic expectations of covariance between values and the error term and will inherently be either biased or extremely wide in its ...
... BR I usually go -1/-2 per LR section. On ... I usually score closer to -9 per section. Also, I ... time per question. For 1 to 2 difficulty level questions you ... easier questions.
2) You could be spending too ... be at least 1 if not 2 question on each ...
... like this:
Reads 1 and 2: find premise and conclusion, pay ... a reason why
Read 9: take that understanding of the ... was so bad. Take 62-2-5, what are the possible ... them all at once in 1 or 2 reads, on a timed ...
... 1 or 2 sections in the morning (started at 8) pt around 9/9 ... doing a pt I would 2-3 timed sections with a ... LG until after I foolproofed 1-35 AND had to take ... or so off to do 2-3 LG sections a day ...
Write out your ... and plug F into day 2. Okay, what are the ... Well, if F is in 2 then maybe that box item ... 's no other way, but 9/10 times there's strategy ... answers. I generally spend 1:30-2:00 minutes on my gameboard ...
... etc? Like, between molting 1 and 2 was 4 years for one ... snake, between molting 2 and 3 was 9 days for that snake ... of rattles? One could be 9 days old and the other ... could be 3 months 2 weeks and 5 days old ...
... a passage where you go -1? I've been trying to ... though I'm also at -1 or -2 for a passage, my ... time is still at about 9 or 9 ... at around # of Q's + 2 mins... so if there's ... you're already scoring -1 or -2, then I think it's ...
... I was able to take 2 quarters off my junior yr ... tests and was just taking 1 or 2 a week. I got ... Was missing around 4 in 2 LR sections. Games took me ... around 2-3 months to get down ... scores doubled to -8 or -9, sometimes -10 because of the ...
... usually go -1 or -2 on RC but go roughly -9 on LR ... apply to everyone, but: 1) Many books will say notate ... go with more precision. 2) I circle words that seem ... to section off by dedicating 9 minutes to each passage... some ...
... have leisure when resources plentiful". 2) /resources plentiful ----> / ... ---> resources plentiful. Therefore (1) and (2) makes it both ways. < ... /valid-argument-form-4-of-9/
... to clarify that having Round 1, Round 2, and Round 3 indicates ... encountered Q1 initially and spent 9 seconds on it. Skipped and ... 3 seconds on it (Round 2). Skipped again and moved onto ... to Q1 and spent another 2 seconds on it (Round 3 ...
... a question. Having Round 1, Round 2, and Round 3 indicates ... encountered Q1 initially and spent 9 seconds on it. Skipped ... seconds on it (Round 2). Skipped again and moved ... to Q1 and spent another 2 seconds on it (Round ... who got -0 or -1 on the LG section actually ...
... used to only get 6-9 correct on logic games because ... , I am only missing 0-2 depending on how difficult the ... worked for me: 1) Repetition 2) Understand what the question ...