What tips do you have for identifying In/Out games? I think select is a good indicator word, are there any others anyone else has noticed and picked up on?
So two of my best LR question types are MSS/MBT and I'm pretty sound with the other RC inference questions but I am getting absolutely demolished by these (29% accuracy, by far my worst RC q-type). Anyone else have this problem and/or any tips?
I would like to take the LSAT online for the August administration, but I didn't see anywhere to select that when I registered. Will they ask us later or how does it work?
I know the test is on the week of the 14th, but I work a job and need to request off several days prior to, and on test day, so it would be really helpful to know when I can select my actual test day/time.
.I really do want to attend this school, but I can't go through with it If I will take on $200k+ debt for it. Biglaw is something I'm considering as well.