... A then always B
2. If A then generally B
3. If A ... depending on the circumstances: A-most->B or A->B* (where * denotes "generally ... . We can't use amost-statement and asome-statement doesn't make ...
... questions before reading Passage B with the tablet, ... chimpanzee not dying after opening a cage (trial and error ... />
And there was a doozy of a parallel flaw, which I ... like: If A or B then C, if C or D then ... E. Therefore sometimes E and not B or some ...
... />
A --> B A --> C
therefore: B --some-- C (someB are C OR also someC are B, since some ... it as B --> C (ALL B are C). It's not a statement that ... asome statement with an all statement and say that
... bible terms MSS questions as a part of MBT questions only ... the answer choices. And in most of the MSS questions you ... the premise says A **arrow** B **arrow** C
Now you should ... be making the inference of A **arrow**C before moving towards the ...
@akistotle: Following up on this - If we use A and B, then "some" is interchangeable (aka AsomeB and BsomeA is the same), whereas AmostB is different from BmostA?
... [Live in Suburbs] -> [Not a Planning Committee Member], and noticed ... was the same term. The some relationship was found with one ... valid argument forms
... 2 recycle?" A. Glass B. Newsprint C. Plastic
D ... wood, then what could be a complete and accurate list of ... recycles? A. P, T B. N, W C. N, T ...
... answers are presented as "A - 2 B- 3 C- 4 D- 5 E ... video shows it as "A- 3 B- 4 C-5 D- 6 E ... the correct answer and thus B is correct but this is ... 4 wrong when you chose C to indicate 4.
... two concepts are "No A is B" and "C is both D and ... words, the conditional statements (A -> /B) and (C -> D and E ... up looking like this: /(A->/B) -> (C -> D and E ... />
Contrapositive: /(C -> D and E) -> (A -> /B)