... increase the size of application pool and on the other end ... you're a good candidate but your numbers provide a good ... assessment of that. But just be aware that there ... not to read too much into fee waivers other than they ...
... for them but GPA is. I wouldn't look too into it ... enhances chances of being admitted, but it is good that they ... who possibly wouldn't have applied in the first place. That ... , lol. Never planned on applying but got a waiver so why ...
... hold off on making a decision until you December score is ... may just put your app into a hold pile and not ... then get a lower score, but also probably not the end ...
... hold off on making a decision until you December score is ... may just put your app into a hold pile and not ... then get a lower score, but also probably not the end ... I can put my heart into it but there's just a ...
... hold off on making a decision until you December score is ... may just put your app into a hold pile and not ... get a lower score, but also probably not the end ... I can put my heart into it but there's just a ... to these kinds of questions... But when I've found myself ...
... hold off on making a decision until you December score is ... may just put your app into a hold pile and not ... get a lower score, but also probably not the end ... I can put my heart into it but there's just a ... to these kinds of questions... But when I've found myself ...
... seem counterintuitive at first.. but you will get it. ... but just what I've noticed do far. On top of regular ... not convinced about this, but can't really comment ... class? Sure, probably. But IMO, everyone will be ... correlation..but you'd have to look into that ...
... 80 to 70 to 60%, but I'm not sure what ... this means. But how do you judge what ... than it is on a regular timed section. It's hard ... . I believe he goes more into detail about how to best ...
... since you can make a decision on whether or not to ... who are not too deep into LSAT prep yet. Whereas if ... considered in terms of percentile. But I also came across an ...