... my past
Criminal Law professor that specifically offered to ... me know if the following are considered medium/good/great ... Award 2016 (I think this will be replicated for 2017 ... regularly since 2011 (do lawschools even care about this??), and have worked ...
... . I am applying to Canadian lawschools and was wondering if the ... resume on any of the lawschools admission requirements or maybe I ... know 7sage discusses that American lawschools do require one..
I know lawschools calculate your study abroad GPA ... I was wondering how deeply lawschools look into these grades. ... Oxford or Cambridge, and lawschools know their grading system is ... .1. (Thinking about T14 schools.)
... in a handful of Canadian lawschools -- primarily UBC, UofT, Osgoode, Queens ... , and UofA. Can any current law students, previous applicants, or knowledgeable ... stats for any of the schools?
Do Canadian lawschools (in Ontario, specifically) allow you to apply through the LSAC, or is it pretty standard that you have to apply using the OLSAS directly?
Hey guys,
I had a quick question. I am applying to all the LawSchools in Ontario. I was wondering that do I apply through LSAC or OLSAS ?
I would appreciate if someone would let me know :)
Is Brooklyn ... Law School or St. John’s ... University School of Law stronger in the following areas ... York job placement?
-Big-law in New York?
-Reputation ...
#help I was wondering what a good number of lawschools to apply to would be? I want to be sure I give myself the best chance, but also make sure I am reasonable as it is an expense to submit an application each time. Thanks!
Hey guys, hope y'all prep is coming along well. I am currently in the midst of applying to lawschools and wanted to know if there was a limit on how many we can apply to. Thanks for the feedback!
... folks' think about the above lawschools and how they match up ... grades at each of the schools), what school makes the most ... relatedly, which one of the schools above has the best reputation ... the case of the four lawschools that I identified above, how ...
... folks' think about the above lawschools and how they match up ... grades at each of the schools), what school makes the most ... relatedly, which one of the schools above has the best reputation ... the case of the four lawschools that I identified above, how ...
... do you need to update schools about employment changes after you ... want to look bad to lawschools by doing so (especially because ... it's at a law firm). TIA!
I know that the July 2020 flex (and maybe the August flex too?) doesn’t count towards your total number of takes but does LSAC send those scores to lawschools if you didn’t cancel them?
I read somewhere that some lawschools average all LSAT scores instead of taking the highest one, but I thought that was old. Does anyone know if any still do?