... waking minute that I was not at work/not sleeping/not doing laundry, etc ... hours I already allocate during lunch breaks/train ride home (another 15 ... climbing needs, but Ican manage for the next 6months. And, like you ...
... to Ultimate plus. I only blamed myself for not buying the Ultimate ... plus since the beginning. I later ... to buy the 6months extension. CanI still get back the months from the upgrade?
... to Ultimate plus. I only blamed myself for not buying the Ultimate ... plus since the beginning. I later ... buy the 6months extension. CanI still get back the months from the upgrade?
... to Ultimate plus. I only blamed myself for not buying the Ultimate ... plus since the beginning. I later ... buy the 6months extension. CanI still get back the months from the upgrade?
... doubt you can hit a 170. It might take another6months or a ... ! I fear being 35 and having not just put in the extra 6months ... . The older you get, the faster times goes for sure. Ican ... 3 years since I've graduated, what really is another year for ...
Hmmm... Ican see how this can be a really hard decision. ... you take the job or not you don't have to ... there's another possible advantage of taking the job. I guess what ... if I could financially swing 6months to LSAT study full time, I would ...
... , you can quit and study all day -- I saved for like 6months and ... of us. If not, as long as you can manage work and ... at like 7:30 and Ican't believe it's almost ... , and maybe put in another couple hours before I relax.
... for those 8 months, I'm not sure how much he can improve on ... can do, that's fine; however, I'd suggest finding another profession. 8 months ... pay it back. I think an extra 6months or year prepping is ... figure this out should consider another field of work. The ...
Had I known that Ican only extend ... it monthly at a rate of 24.99, I ... would have extended another6months in anticipation that I won ...
This is absolutely not fair and poorly handled. There ... at least a few months notice before you ...
So we are 6months away and I am registered for the December LSAT. I am about 3 weeks into the 7Sage curriculum and feeling great so far. How is everyone else doing? have you started preparing for December?
... for accommodations, but I did not explain why I do not have previous records ... there was not enough space to put it. CanI send an ... about a week, but I have not received their decisions yet.< ... br />
Or should I wait for ...
Is there a cap? Hope Ican bring in at least 6, so Ican have a sharp point for each logic game and a sharp point for the other sections. I really want to bring 10, just in case my experimental is LG.
Hi everybody, I am taking the Feb. ... a few questions, and i haven't had a chance ... anyone else. So, I've heard we are not able to bring ... with what EXACTLY we can bring? Am I to bring a sandwich ... class with him? For example, cani take my backpack? My cell ...
... although I got a solid score, I know Ican do better. So I'm ... . However, I do not see myself full-time studying for 6months... I want to ... in on the LSAT or can solid prep allow for a ... in a similar situation or can lend some words of wisdom ...
Pretty much what the title says. It feels like everything I learned went down the drain. I'm trying very hard not to panic for the test in less than two weeks. How canI get back on track?
... author thinks science and humanities can benefit by a synthesis ... having a misunderstanding of one another that is preventing them ... shining sea." The song is not stating "crowd brotherhood from ... for this question. So, how canInot make this mistake again?
... you. I purchased the Ultimate+ package with 6months out to ... week of studying. When I adjusted the generator to ... date to September 2019. I work full time (with ... some flexibility), so I'm trying to be ... Ultimate+ package with 6months out until the exam.
... most likely realize you can do waaaaay better and ... you can end up taking 3 tests in 6months and ... very really studied in depth. Then you can ... . Wow, I have studied for 6months and keep not improving. Is ... things to say but Ican't think of them. ...
CanI infer some are -P from the statement that most people are P? I think saying most people are mortal does not mean some people are immortal, but the correct AC of this question seems to suggest the otherwise. Is this a bad LR question?
... three PTs that I've taken I've scored between160 ... s my problem: How canI raise my score by ... just under two months? Like I mentioned above, I'm a ... any suggestions on how Ican target specific areas or ... to anyone who can provide some help! I appreciate any ...
I am not learning from my PTs and ... my scores are consistently 150s. I ... simple when I watch the explanations, but how am Inot learning from ... them. I think maybe that just ...
... watershed for me. I'm thinking about cancelling ... in January 2022, when canI take my 6th LSAT after ... as June 2023, am Inot eligible to take LSAT ... the bad choices I made but I am really eager ... and overcome this situation. Can anyone give me answers? ...
I plan on taking the lsat ... get high 150s/low 160s. I took my first PT in ... february before I started studying and got a ... 143. I took it again this month ... . CanI realistically increase my score to a 160 in 2.5 months? I ...