Example of some distortion: correlation (video 3 of 33) in causation lesson. Playing at faster playback makes JY sound like he's lecturing underwater while using a tin can. Lol
... about how arguments with correlation/causation reasoning function. Note that often ... occurring simultaneously) or a correlation/causation argument will already be presented ... />
Here are some correlation/causation LR questions to practice with ...
... and flaws, most commonly conditional, causation, analogy and survey, which become ... , "Oh, it's a correlation/causation in a weaken question. Let ...
It would be a couple of lessons after the causation theory. I believe it is called "4 possible explanations" and also the next lesson after that called "causation strategy."
Like A is more likely to happen if B happens? It's at best a partial causation. More likely is never indicative of full causation because the event was already likely.