... idea how to formulate a study plan or how my diagnostic ... that I am begining to study seemingly absurdly early but I ... , what should my long-term studyguide be. I have no ideas ...
... LSAT, so I figured any studyguide is just as good, plus ... jumbling them. I have a studysheet that I keep next to ... you may still have to study, I hope I can encourage ...
Hi guys! I made a studyguide for LR with all my notes as I did the core curriculum on 7sage! I was wondering if there was a way to upload the document so others could use it? Is there a PDF upload feature I can't find? Thanks!
... anything like a concise summary (cheatsheet .pdf) that distills the initial ... q-type, a "go-to" guide for just the first few ... "LR q-type attack plan" cheatsheet already exists in 7Sage's ... />
... Curriculum: I would start my study days at 9am and end ... and we would all work, study on things we had to ... I implemented the 9-5 study time was I would do ... , if you would want the cheatsheet I used to help keep ...
reposting this I found from old thread, though you guys would find it helpful as well
FAMILY # 1 is the PROVE family where the stimulus is taken to be true but the answer choices are under suspect and you must prove one of them to be ...
I started the Trainer and I just got to the LG sections. How did you guys learned the notations to diagram the rules? Did you make a cheatsheet, or did you memorize them as you practice? thank you!
The example given on the cheatsheet states, No candy is bitter.
pick either idea and negate it right?
what about No candy? doesn't that mean candy is negated?
so instead of C arrow /B shouldn't it be /C arrow /B?
1. Conclusion (most accurately expresses the conclusion)
- Usual structure: contextual + HOWEVER, point + supporting premises
- In this case, it helps to paraphrase the ...
In the starter package - JY makes a lot of references to like words like But and Because introducing premises. Does anyone know which module/video talks about these key words? Is there a cheatsheet?