More personality v. shorter length - Do admissions officers prefer a clean and concisely met minimum (two pages, for example) over a half-to-full page longer personal statement with more emotion and personal background to it?
The best way to get the relevant v, irrelevant thing is not to just read the cases but to use a commercial outline before the course begins! I swear those things are magic.
I see. So, if you have won an Olympic gold medal, a Rhodes, are a Navy SEAL, have a 4.0, and 179 you actually may not get accepted at say, NYU, with the thinking that you are likely to get HYS and will take one of those?
@rakinalikhan said:
Now i do whatever it takes to get my grades as high as i can so i can go above a 3 at least. in order to graduate on time to start law school by next august i basically have to do 2.5 years of school in 1.5 years.
I just had to bring this one back for a second because you're the ones who inspired me to listen to Hamilton. This soundtrack is F'N' amazing. Best political musical I've heard since Evita. It's instantly become a fixture on my Spotify playlist and will ...
You can find JY doing LR in PT69 S1+S4, and PT71 S1+S3. And Jon also had an epic timed LR section video, which took him only 19 minutes.
@UEconomist said:
Or should it only mirror what we include in our resume? I've held many jobs through undergrad and after graduating but some (ie. working as a bookseller in barnes and noble) may not be relevant to include?
A fun video for all of the iN and Pe to cringe at... the LSAT is against us ;)... but dont worry we will destroy everyone in court :)