... the other sections, but RC is killing my score. ... am constantly missing 15+/- on RC.
> I ... same as the MLSAT RC book as Mike Kim ... also suggest doing some untimed RC work. I think something ... helpful for me was doing RCpassages untimed until I was ...
... it okay to re-do RCpassages? (like we do with LG ... />
Absolutely. I love redoing passages a few months after seeing ... subtleties in the answer choices. RC is all about subtleties, and ... . To me, the foundation of RC strategy is time distribution. If ...
... , is it timing, is your RC weak?
> Let us ... a good overall strategy going. RC is my best section I ... on the sep exam. The RCpassages I struggle with are the ...
... PTs/week. How much RC should I do daily/every ... learn RC by osmosis or just doing a bunch of passages. ... the hell out of the RCpassages that come from the PTs ... are still having issues with RC. Review is much more ... few weeks just working on RC while you are fool ...
... as practicing with real LSAT RCpassages. It sort of like the ... specific things with the way RCpassages are designed that I don ... there are more than enough RCpassages to practice with so you ... prep if you still have RCpassages you can learn from.
I like the economist. I don't read it much but when I do, I feel like most of the articles' structure is very similar to RCpassages' structures. Some of the topics are quite interest as well!
The Economist! The New Yorker is good as well but like @TheMikey said The Economist articles are very very similar to RCpassages. And yes the topics are really interesting.
... :
> Some reading comp passages are just brutal like that ... at some point everything clicks. RC can be way more fickle ... />
Yup... the placement of certain RCpassages (and particularly hard questions) can ...