... RC, we'll read the passage together, paragraph by paragraph. I ... ?
Have a clean, unmarked copy of the PT ready in ... 4
Section 3 - RC, Passage 2 - rapidly expanding populations
Section 3 - RC, Passage 3 - competition to make computer ...
... many paragraphs are in each passage or how many questions a ... passage has? Or do you go ... a feeling that a certain passage is hard as you are ...
... does everyone approach the comparative passage in reading comprehension? passage. Afterwards, I go onto Passage B, again reading the passage ... summary for this second passage and finally I quickly ... details were included in each passage.
... see what most peoples comparative passage RC strategy was. I used ... . method of reading the 1st passage, seeing what you can deduce ... , and then reading the second passage and going back to the ...
... while reading through an RC passage." I believe this premise ... highlight them before reading the passage. For anyone unaware, using ... find these terms in the passage, you could highlight them ... you can speed through the passage and understand the general message ...
One of my biggest areas of weakness is the A/B Reading Passage. I know JY recommends starting with Passage A and answering every relevant question before moving to Passage B. Is this the best approach? I would love suggestions on approaching this section.
... looking for a difficult RC passage it was PT 67 S1 ... to locate a specific RC passage and really don't have ... I'm looking for this passage is because it was ABSTRACT ...
I feel like 7Sage would have the data on how long it takes perfect scorers to read the passage. I wish they would display this target time, especially given how crucial reading the passage (to understand it) is to going through the questions quickly.
I am looking for a way to copy paste LR stimuli and answer choices into a google doc to create a comprehensive wrong answer journal. Is there any way (7sage or otherwise) to be able to do so? 7sage won't let me copy paste.
I wish 7sage could provide passage-only view in RC like the real test!
I found it helps outline the passage better in my mind.
Curious how many people actually uses this function on test day.
... :30 to 5:00 each passage. That being said when I ... possible to get through the passage in just 2 minutes?? Moreover ... expected time to finish the passage and questions at about 6 ...