... flew through the causation and correlation section because huh? Why do ... questions that involved causation and correlation wrong. Well I went back ...
... provided in form of a correlation: High cholesterol levels are associated ... . While as we know, a correlation is not sufficient on it ... the association of the two (correlation).
... more relevant to strengthening the correlation. I would still be hesitant ... help me to clarify this "correlation" strengthening "causation" ? I no longer ...
While correlation can never prove causation, it ... other alternatives. In other words, correlation "strengthens the case for" causality ... We have used correlation to strengthen causality through correlation. Hope this helps ...
... match) rather than weakening through correlation, although you did use ... probabilities and correlation to find the alternative ... B," would you consider the correlation "most As are B"/ ... presumed effect.
@Pacifico @c.janson35 , I got it! Just figured out by answering the same question for another poster. The correct answer is an example of strengthening causal arguments with correlation.
Staying active on the forum is actually helpful!! =D
Exactly right @LoraxMan. Correlation alone can never be used to prove causation, but a strong correlation can go a long way to help strengthen an established causal relationship.
... I pointed out that the correlation coefficient between LSAT scores ... 12 to .56. The correlation coefficient between LSAT scores and ... scientist who has performed correlation analysis on medical data, ... content/how-to-interpret-a-correlation-coefficient-r.html