Hey I noticed the post "what affects your chances of getting into law school" only uses October as the earliest application date. This is the same with the law school predictor. How about if i apply in september? Does that give an even earlier boost?
I'll be sitting for the March 22 LSAT. I want to be familiar with the most current trends in Logic Games. Which PT do i start at and work forward from? Thanks so much.
Hey NYC, anyone here for September 2022 test that is interested in forming a small group?
Working full time so looking for maybe an hour of study time a day.
Hey everyone! I was hoping to form a small group of 175+ scorers to have weekly zoom study sessions leading up to the September test. Please message me if interested!
Some of us have made a study group for the September LSAT. If anyone wants to join, you can join our groupme! Here is the link https://groupme.com/join_group/88459591/9Hqsj4Qu