... and from the fact the Dec test is this weekend, ... say you should aim to answer three properly, rather than ... one. Just guess the answer choices on the game you ... game, allows you to answer the 3 other games ... this scenario you'd then answer 16 questions with 100% ...
... up with your own is key. Then going through and watching ... , misreading the question/answer choices, down to 2 answer choices and then ... time and then picking an answer choice? Is it a particular ...
... mastering this distinction is the key to answering "necessary assumption" ... out the necessary assumption answer on the LSAT involves ... which involves logically negating each answer choice. In the above ... if you negate the necessary answer choice...
Being able to recognize answer choices and eliminate them in 3 seconds like this is a key to success imo. It works great for both LR and RC. I love saying this when I eliminate too :)
... the "complex" games was the key to going -0/-1. But ... actually, I have found the key to be a combination of ... to predict what kind of answer choices will be available to ... guesses after strategically eliminating wrong answer choices. You end up surviving ...
... a reasoned dismissal of an answer choice. I've watched a ... of relevance is the biggest key to success in LR. I ... depth, every possible bearing each answer choice could have on an ...
... public schools) compels me to answer with an emphatic "NO." ... registered and PAID for the Dec 2016 sit), when I ... />
The week of Dec. 2nd, I finally admitted to ... was studying and paid for Dec 2016 sit, I had ...
So, I withdrew my Dec 2016 sit I think 3 ...
... 't remember the correct answer but we are trying ... get to the correct answer. This is where honesty ... may remember the correct answer choice but can you still ... to arrive at the correct answer choice. That should be ... similar games? That's key to improving on games.
... as I know organization is key). I am also at a ... when I think through the answer to their completions I am ... to SEARCH for the right answer and when to eliminate. ... to search for the right answer, so run it through ... and find that in the answer choices. for CBT/CBF ...
... looking for the right answer to looking for the ... questions and approached each answer choice with the primary ... you will let an answer choice say about the ... out. That is the key. If you can verbalize ... explanations for why every answer choice is right/wrong, ...
... question you eliminate 3-4 answer choices based off your ... chances are you are eliminating answer choices that pass the test ... **ever** eliminating 3-4 answer choice on a standard acceptable ... you are simply missing a key piece of information that should ...
... up because I missed some key concept. When I didn't ... I would recognize that my answer was wrong but not take ... because I saw the correct answer.
... up because I missed some key concept. When I didn't ... I would recognize that my answer was wrong but not take ... because I saw the correct answer.
... found having the interaction element key to improving on LSAT. Prior ... it anymore, I think the key is to ask for help ... does to find the right answer. It's hard to know ...
... found having the interaction element key to improving on LSAT. Prior ... it anymore, I think the key is to ask for help ... does to find the right answer. It's hard to know ...
... think you have the right answer choice when you have read ... and have had time to answer the easy ones. In addition ... don't miss out on key information. This way your brain ...
... you feel that you can answer this question fast even if ... have to think about each key stroke and mentally train ourselves ... -your fingers fly on the key board and you can play ...