Not harder; just different—and accordingly, at first pass, they challenge our established skill-set and thereby introduce an element of difficulty qua unfamiliarity.
... are no longer the same difficulty as each other. Before, especially ... PT is independent of a difficulty of...say X. This is ... newer PTs one LR is difficulty Z and the other one ... 60 or so tests for difficulty X is now moot. That ...
@alexandergreene93 That's how you measure the difficulty of an item in metrics, the percentage of people who get it right vs. the percentage of people who get it wrong. But you're right I'm banking on 7sagers being a reliable sample though
You cannot tell which section is the experimental. If you could, people would take a thirty-five minute nap and the test-writers would have no way of assessing the difficulty of the exam.
@"Ron Swanson" What kind of timing strategies are you trying out? I tend to run out of time for RCs, pretty much leaving the fourth passage blank. I sometimes miss 1-2 questions on LRs depending on their difficulty levels.