... at -6 which turned out tobe exactly correct. On average, ... immediate inclination was to adjust my strategies tobe more careful in ... order to avoid any ... that they were just going tohavetobe uncomfortable. I forced my ...
... questions are the same, just have different answer choices).
... this question you might have been too strict in ... supported." It doesn't havetobe absolutely airtight that the passage ... different mud recipes are required tobe used -- but the support ...
... said:
> That might be a good idea. I just ... super easy
You just havetobe comfortable skipping around. When you ... are stuck, you always haveto skip. You haveto do the same on ...
... not fool proof. You would havetobe in the top of your ... would also havetobe at 2 tier school to transfer to a tier 1 ... ) it is MUCH MUCH easier to get a better score on ... to get into the top % of your class (or so I have ...
... don't havetobe a memory master/giant to benefit from ... hard for me to remember the lyrics to rap songs ... few listens like I used to--for me, the worst ... information give you a reason tobe satisfied on this section. ...
... a lot of this has to do with how good a ... recognizing past patterns. Test makers havetobe one step ahead of test ... more b/c of similarity to previous questions than b/c ... changes in the test can be brutal.
Awesome story. I've often thought that the LSAT writers had tobe drunk to come up with some of their questions, so perhaps it makes sense that you havetobe drunk to get them right.