... to avoid thinking outside the box with the LSAT and focus only ... if you think the legal reality of the case doesn't ... sweeping statement. But the LSAT does that all the time. I imagine people ... extra knowledge in the face of the odd statements the LSAT makes you ...
... />
"If zombies attack the city, then the market will sink," the other "market is (already) ... because necessary condition does not mean the same as necessary ... that the necessary condition does not always precede the sufficient ...
... problem would work against the smaller elements of that ... but would actually enhance the worst effects of that problem ... C immediately because the argument does not follow the pattern at all ... - it ends with the advice that the ...
... premise that contradicts or does not support the conclusion (conclusion being that ... C. Supports the conclusion as the technique involves consideration of the opponent's ... reason to not use the technique. Weakens the conclusion that candidates should ...
... forum will blow up when thescores start being sent out. If ... 't feel like constantly refreshing the LSAC site, you can check ... have started to get their scores.
... think about the game when they read the stimulus. They ... What's the point of the game? Just because the answer isn' ... or "sequence stuff" does not mean the game is overly difficult ... probably pretty easy - the difficulty is getting by the "surprise" factor. ...
... choice E says "...several of the children who had slept with ... near sighted." This one does not weaken the argument because it is ... this nearsightedness is caused by the night lights.
If ... said something like "several of the chilren who had slept with ...
... very similar situation and from the research that i've done ... have their application submitted with thescores, transcript, LORs, payment et al ... a lot between all the other parts of the application it's ... make sure you're getting the score that matches your GPA ...
The need for a fall back ... should bear in mind that thescores you are getting on your ... if in the two weeks leading up thethe exam your scores are not ... performance you've done in the days leading up ...
... will be fine... in the larger scheme of things, ... gets messed up or the results are less than ... 's always December. Its the same 4/5 sections with ... will hover around your PT average, the 4.5 hours will ... your score... and start the process of ending up at ...
I didn't get the answers. But I did put my test results into the analytics. It doesn't tell you what the score is, but it does tell you the type and the correct answer so you can work your way backwards.
... you that reading the question stem before reading the stimulus (paragraph) for ... to approach any of the questions. Reading the question stem first tells ... . Regardless of whether the premise does not support the conclusion or if it ...
... -7sage, what were some of thescores? I scored stupid low on ... again, and with only the reading comp scores added back in, I ... least 143, even if the other sections remained the same. How do ...
... 5-8 times, if not the full 10 as recommended. If ... you remember the inferences, so be it. Force ... each game, then switch to the next and keep going non ... the game type without blinking, the board splits without thinking, and thescores of the ...
... be representative (alluding to the respondent discrepancy you pointed ... may not be the case that the LSAT was intending ... readers to identify the respondent/non-respondent discrepancy. ... answer choice, it does seem like the LSAT writers may indeed ...
... it helps to take the test anyways just to ... get the "test jitters" out ... of your system. So the second time you go it ... there done that" .. Does that reduce the inherent anxiety ? I am ... sure the answer is not the ...
... this in another post, that the last PT I took was ... like, the lowest one ever. I went ... scored higher than my averagethe day of the test. If you can ...
I agree with Allison most people score +/- 3 points from their average. The good thing about LSAT is that you can predict your score unless something outrageous happened during the test.
... date of release is still the 22nd, but LSAC seem to ... more efficient and usually release thescores a few days early. http ... will both be on the celebration side of the coin tomorrow... or ...
Yea! Retake! Tell them that you will retake. They'll love it. I think nothing shows more dedications and lawyerly-scholarship worthy material than someone who is willing and not afraid to put in the work after ALREADY having thescores for top schools :)
... will have to gauge the pulse of the argument and go ... supported by the stimulus. The answer choice B does not contradict the stimulus. It ... mean that B) is the impression that the author wanted to make ... t drink Diet Pepsi. This does not mean that Some Japoreans ...
... a persons character] does not confront the argument, then it should ... it thinking it was the contrapositive to the argument. However, we ... be avoided. Again, the rules of the LSAT are to take ... attacking a persons character DOES NOT confront the argument, then who ...
... gamble and C) They flagged thescores for those that got extra ... by trying to protect the validity of the test, they often ... to put together all the documentation/get the required testing. (No ... about it--is it the inattentive type? The impulsive type? Each has ...