I am very budgeted and put as much as I can into my studies. I am hoping to be able to invest in tutoring, but I am wondering when the best time to do it would be as I am unable to afford a large amount of lessons.
... he sold the influence to environmental interest group; there is no ... not unethical because It's environmental interest group preventing pollution doing ...
Anyone up for NON-American time zone study buddies? No hard feelings to my fellow American friends - I learned that when the time zone is different, it's pretty much impossible to keep each other accountable for studies. Msg me your telegram ID.
I work 9-5 in person tech job and have definitely not been putting in enough time with my studies. How do you guys go about working in-person, full-time, roles whilst studying? What does your study schedule look like?
I am taking October test, so I want to form a study group that studies LR and RC.
I am usually available on Mondays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays.
Please send me a message so we could discuss further!