... instinctual urge to really rush through the passage to get to the ... have to spend a proper amount of time up front beforemovingon, which ... the passages, so trying to tackle them without the proper ... "base understanding" is going to leave you wondering how 35 ...
... 69, JY’s videos all show JY movingon after a 1:20 ... . You can call it confidence all you want, but at the ... is a habit that needs to be developed somehow.
... , did you limit yourself to only the questions you circled ... insignificant, but it’s integral to testing your confidence (both ... on questions beforemovingon, going into automatic mode, etc...) you need to work on ... . It might be helpful to both you and them.
... quickly skim the question itself to see what exactly I' ... was expecting.
On another fairly random note, I ... try scanning the questions quickly to see if anything is ... exclusively related to the passage and that passage only beforemovingon.
... a month before starting PTs, so my recommendation is to do as ... much as you can to master those beforemovingon. But ... your plan to take some ... pretty solid, it's good to save the later material. You ...
@attorneysomerville said: Movingonto the more controversial claim-- ... usually of the form "All A's are B's ... If P, then Q" and "All A's are B's ... fact, in propositional logic, "All A's are B's ... there are arguments in which *all* atomic propositions don't ...
... in 1st or 2nd place. Before I start games, I take ... second glance at the questions to see the number of "if ... with "If," I'll move to the questions after making my ... there are no additional inferences to make beforemovingon. I've gotten pretty ...
Congrats toall the incredible accomplishments of our Sages and tomovingonto 1L!!!
Who is still available from the list - or who is a new Sage that is available for tutoring:)
... to stay on the question until you get the correct answer. Beforemovingon ... entire test then switched to only the questions I ... I think you need to revisit the Bibles or purchase ... I would focus on thoroughly grasping the fundamentals before scheduling a date ...
... speed up my the studying to move along with the pace ... in a lesson beforemovingon is imperative to doing well on this test. I ... . And while this does seem to take a lot of time ...
... the material is to reteach it to myself beforemovingon, somewhat imitating a ... also studying for the LSAT to keep you engaged. The ... have what it takes to allow someone to score very high unless ... had a really high diagnostic to begin with. Anyway, whatever ...
if you go to the core curriculum- under the ... get that morning for how to fill out the forms and ... to do.
I believe they wait till everyone is done beforemovingon ... , at least that is what it seems like after listing to ...
... the 2nd to last question you misread a rule, finish the last ... question & move onto the next game. On PT ... 7X this happened to me on a game, on ... side with listening to J.Y. in his LG videos about circling ...
... having and responding to this realization was essential to my ultimate success ... of concepts and fundamentals on which any weakness was ... your PTs are trying to teach you beforemovingon. If you do ... , how can you expect to improve your performance on the next?
... depend on it. Jonathan Wang always told me to ... flaw, I'd recommend movingonto the next question, as ... get a head start before heading into the ACs. ... getting harder and harder to anticipate, because the stimuli ... and scan the ACs to see if anything matches ...
... would suggest focusing on quality rather than quantity. Beforemovingon, I ask myself ... finite resource. I limit myself to 2 practice tests a week ...
... />
> Following up on this, have you improved since ... also been taking notes onLR question-types I've ... mastering a game and movingonto the next, I now ... day after tomorrow. So onto seven. Every wrong question ... my studying up to eleven on a scale of one ...
With that, movingonto the answer choices. To eliminate an answer as ... This satisfies the stimulus. Now, all dogwoods must be younger than ... , we would need to prove that all sycamore trees are at ... maple. Put some numbers to it. All maples are 10 years ...
... question you circled and understand to the best of your ability ... PT 36 beforemovingon. Going to do drills and FP'ing before you've ... be able to get a ton more answers right on BR, but ... solving process you get lost on certain questions.