... method to foolproof LR and RC that would be conducive to ... ) of all the LR and RC questions (including watching the majority ... some of the LR questions/RC passages that I've struggled ...
Hi everyone. RC is one of my best ... no more than -3 per RC section. I will be hosting ... a free RC session today on Zoom at ... />
We'll be utilizing the RC from PT 74. There will ...
Hey! I’m looking for someone whose struggling with RC that’s looking to do a RC section and then BR together so that we can learn from our mistakes and help each other out. if any of y’all are down, feel free to message me!
... />
I am looking for a RC tutor to work with. RC (I'm at -1 LR ... that my BR score for RC isn't that much different ... work on improving accuracy on RC BR first.
I am seeking a tutor for RC. I would like a session once a week for 1.5 hours. If you are an RC tutor (or you know a good RC tutor) please message me for more details.
looking for people who want to improve on RC as much as me! We can do an RC and BR together and figure out our weaknesses and share tips on how to improve. My RC fluctuates from -5/6 to -10/12.
Is it just me or PT1-20 RC are all over the place? I hold a study average of -5 on 60+ but start bombing on 1990's PT. 4th attempt any now my confidence is all over the place.
Is it better to spend more time on the questions in RC or passage ? And if so what is a proper distribution of time ?(i.e 4 min on passage 5 min on questions)