Good luck o everyone taking the exam on Monday! We all worked our butts off, and it will pay off. Almost time to relax and enjoy too much Thanksgiving food. Kill it!!!!
Answer choice D makes sense but I do not understand the difference between D and C. Are they not saying the same thing? Doesn't salt increase chances of food poisoning by not letting food cook thoroughly?
Could someone pls explain what the stimulus is saying and how is B a better(and correct) answer than B? None of the answers stuck out to me as actually addressing the gap in the stimulus and so I think I might have misunderstood the argument ...
... Pitcombe College were asked to label themselves conservative, liberal, or middle ... that each student can only label itself once or by one ... label.
... the correct answer because the label "imitation" is encouraging people to ... -butterfat products? And changing the label to "lite butter" might deceive ...