PT6.S2.Q3 - All students at Pitcombe College...

Rev_LefeRev_Lefe Member
edited April 2021 in Logical Reasoning 385 karma

Hi, Thank you for your time. Please take a look at the following stimulus:

All students at Pitcombe College were asked to label themselves conservative, liberal, or middle-of-the-road politically. Of the students, 25 percent labelled themselves conservative, 24 percent labelled themselves liberal, and 51 percent labelled themselves middle-of-the-road. When asked about a particular set of issues, however, 77 percent of the students endorsed what is generally regarded as a liberal position.

Could someone explain how do I know "or" in the first sentence is exclusive or inclusive? There is no information that each student can only label itself once or by one label.

Thank you very much.


  • canihazJDcanihazJD Alum Member Sage
    8486 karma

    You don't, and it doesn't matter for this question. If 77% endorsed the position, some each group have to have supported it, even if the three categories were completely overlapped.

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