... create virtuous people
P': government deciding what constitutes virtue
Q: law/government being overprotective of individuals' rights ... (we and) Sarah want the government/law to carry a lower ...
... it be right for the government to do "X"?
Only ... is not right for the government to do "X. At this ... is not right for the government to abandon efforts to determine ...
Premise 1.) Dinosaurs can die from eating ... .) The dinosaurs died in contorted positions. But how does dying in ... them to die in contorted positions.
... trust that the candidates' positions won't be compromised. ... stating that political parties' positions might be less varied than ... the positions taken by the candidates. ... political parties themselves may take positions that are more limited ...
... D: Parts that satisfy our government standards are as poorly constructed ... . Why? Because Clarks parts satisfy government standards---which means if we ...
@jschmi25 This is all i could find relating to canadian schools. It does look a little out of date but still fairly accurate. I doubt there is any predictor sites for Canadian schools.
... write them on index cards, 1 per card. On the back ... , write a VERY short 1 or 2 sentence argument that ... , then when you're hyper alert during a PT, you'll ...
... example if major ideas/topics (1),(2), ect --notice what other ... associated with major ideas/topics (1),(2) to get more clarity ... be understood as the fundamental positions being stated.. poorly or adeptly ...