I never thought I would be asking about this on the 7Sage forum, but I figured I would since you all want to go to law school. Are there any jobs that require a college degree but no professional experience? Ideally those that relate ...
... create virtuous people
P': government deciding what constitutes virtue
Q: law/government being overprotective of individuals' rights ... (we and) Sarah want the government/law to carry a lower ...
I purchased a 180watch... I will post my 'review' once it arrives. I have a Seiko that I use, but I figured if the 180watch does work, then it would be worth the $50, and I can sell it to a friend for 30ish after my LSAT.
... it be right for the government to do "X"?
Only ... is not right for the government to do "X. At this ... is not right for the government to abandon efforts to determine ...
... trust that the candidates' positions won't be compromised. ... stating that political parties' positions might be less varied than ... the positions taken by the candidates. ... political parties themselves may take positions that are more limited ...