I'd also like to say that while the score is very, very important there are brilliant lawyers that went to lesser schools who are crushing Harvard grads. It all depends on what you do with it after lawschool.
... />
> Wow, this is the school I am aiming for. Now ... .economist.com/gre-advice/graduate-school-admissions/which-exam-take/gre ... -which-exam-should-you-apply-harvard-law
... is a pittance next to lawschool tuition, you are playing with ... want to hold off on Harvard and Yale until after your ... better(though it's still Harvard and Yale son not great ...
... is a pittance next to lawschool tuition, you are playing with ... want to hold off on Harvard and Yale until after your ... better(though it's still Harvard and Yale son not great ... in. NYU is my dream school.
The 180 was ... submitting now and only telling Harvard, Stanford, and Yale about the ... examine it for yourself on lawschool numbers, but I think most ...
... about when you go to lawschool: there will always be someone ... is the head of Yale Law Admissions. It happens. Doesn't ... people I'm going to HarvardLaw. Could you imagine if you ... 't get into your dream school because you let your friends ...
Definitely check out lawschool admission sites. Chicago, Harvard, and others have posted resumes samples in multiple formats. Some schools even have sample personal statements.
... -caliber schools that are not Harvard and Yale. Here's my ... for admission at any US lawschool. The advantage of a higher ... admission to top five law schools. But Harvard and Yale are an ...
... />
> My target school's admission deadline is August ... other things. Only attend a school you will be happy to ... them too much WRT to lawschool. Unless they understand the process ... foot than attend a T4 school when you're capable of Harvard. :)
... 'm a Finance major, heard law schools aren't such a ... your parents are paying for lawschool and you don't care ... only mention Chicago. What about. Harvard, Stanford, Columbia, and NYU? And ...
This lawschool sample resume has a separate section for publications. Since you mentioned your resume is lacking and publications are a good soft, I would make it a separate section. http://hls.harvard.edu/content/uploads/2008/11/golitely-resume.pdf
... 'm a Finance major, heard law schools aren't such a ... your parents are paying for lawschool and you don't care ... only mention Chicago. What about. Harvard, Stanford, Columbia, and NYU? And ... looking to get into a school ranked at Penn or higher ...
... 'm a Finance major, heard law schools aren't such a ... your parents are paying for lawschool and you don't care ... only mention Chicago. What about. Harvard, Stanford, Columbia, and NYU? And ... looking to get into a school ranked at Penn or higher ...
... your parents are paying for lawschool and you don't ... only mention Chicago. What about. Harvard, Stanford, Columbia, and NYU? ... to get into a school ranked at Penn or ... as highly ranked a school as possible I think ... going to a better school and be forced to ...
... to the endowment of the school or the wealth of the ... students that attend the school?
> > > > ... easily have their seat in lawschool purchased.
I did ... .com/interactive/projects/college-mobility/harvard-university).
... the endowment of the school or the wealth of ... the students that attend the school?
> > > ... easily have their seat in lawschool purchased.
... .com/interactive/projects/college-mobility/harvard-university).
... that lawschool to visitors deserves a raise), Yale, Duke, and Harvard. law school. It's kind of a ... and fine overall. Michigan's law library is gorgeous, though.
... no interest in international law, public or private, ... you are also in school full time. If ... meaningful. I'm no lawschool admissions person, but I ... something that sets Yale/Harvard/Columbia/Penn/Cornell ... much prefer to enter lawschool as early as possible ...
... no interest in international law, public or private, ... you are also in school full time. If ... meaningful. I'm no lawschool admissions person, but I ... something that sets Yale/Harvard/Columbia/Penn/Cornell ... much prefer to enter lawschool as early as possible ...
... no interest in international law, public or private, ... you are also in school full time. If ... meaningful. I'm no lawschool admissions person, but I ... something that sets Yale/Harvard/Columbia/Penn/Cornell ... much prefer to enter lawschool as early as possible ...