I don't think you need to mention it, since you won't be submitting your highschool transcripts and most law schools are only concerned with what you've done in college and beyond.
... probation or suspension at a school, college, university or other ... related issues after highschool? I was suspended in highschool for uploading ... to sue the school if the school didn't punish ... this student friends, the school punished me on their own ...
... probation or suspension at a school, college, university or other ... related issues after highschool? I was suspended in highschool for uploading ... to sue the school if the school didn't punish ... to disclose anything from highschool if the infractions were ...
... also depends on school policy. If your school won't take ... />
The speed with which each school fills your request varies. It ... upload your transcripts once the school has sent them to Pennsylvania ... took some classes while in highschool) a week to process my ...
... or 4 and place high enough to stand out ...
Being a good student in highschool + college does not necessarily mean ... your Tier 3 or 4 school. Also, standing out to ... a Tier 3 or 4 school, you are given fewer ... small firm in your law school's neighborhood for the ...
... Being a good student in highschool + college does not necessarily ... your Tier 3 or 4 school. Also, standing out to ... a Tier 3 or 4 school, you are given fewer ... small firm in your law school's neighborhood for the ... to 60k out of law school, you can be okay. ...
... 't get there out of highschool but it didn't stop ... knew it was a great school with amazing connections. If you ... , nothing is guaranteed in law school. So why not go somewhere ...
... 't get there out of highschool but it didn't stop ... knew it was a great school with amazing connections. If you ... , nothing is guaranteed in law school. So why not go somewhere ...
No idea about Canada law school and job market. But Melbourne JD is attractive to Asia pacific law firms(for example, Hong Kong). I would say you need think about where you practice law and life style of the city. @dyyaneva
... . Signed up in 2011 in highschool. And I have heard so ... , like me, pursue the law school route. Most of the time ... 't bother going to law school. Only gets harder. I learned ... and go to a good school so be it. The opportunity ...
I was the kid all the way up until highschool who would ask for a pencil. I'm basically grabbing a handful of like 10 of them, sharpening them all and taking them with me lol. Pencils suck they dull very quickly.
... 've thought about teaching highschool. I went to school originally with plans ... always my favorite subject in highschool and undergrad. Just something about ... wasn't going to law school I very might have gotten ...