... the no-brainers. If you have two or more "ifX, thenY" statements under ... to splitting, however, is that unless you have every possibility exhausted ... end up. In other words, unless you catch every possibility, you ...
@StopLawying I’d go back to the lesson I linked, but essentially it’s this: any negation to a universally conditional statement (IfXthenY) becomes an intersection statement (X some /Y).
Susan knows that ifXthenY X
Therefore, Susan knows ... have no idea if Susan knows about Y because how ... we have no clue if she knows about our X ...
Susan knows that ifXthenY
Susan knows that X
Therefore, ...
... English to lawgic and then back to English again. ... accustomed to thinking in an if "x" then "y" manner ... As has been ... and do not follow this if/ then structure. Now that I ... (X guarantees Y. Y on its own tells us nothing. If /Ythen we can guarantee /X ...
... would just be looking for "if" on any global ACs. For ... the ACs start off with "ifXthenY." Which basically means that each ... are. If the correct answer happens to be AC E, then that ... a game if I am able to then take longer then necessary and ...
... WAY:
I call them"If placements"....where they tell you ... entities+conditional logic (IfX--> thenY / (not)~Y--> (not)~X) dictates that an ... rules and tell myself that if one of the answer ... So I mentally told myself, "If an answer choice is flexible ...
... conditional statements into "ifthen" statements or drawing the "ifthen" statements out like ... , the technique of rephrasing "unless" into "if not x, theny" was intuitive, it had ... what that "unless" signified. Really, when we say "unless" a, then b, we ...
Not all X are Y. Is this translated as X some (not)Y? Also, is Not all X are Y equivalent to X some Y? For the latter question, I know in English in certain contexts, the statement "not all" of something implies "some are."
... that when you see, "If A, then /B unless C" you just translate ... it to, "A and B, then ... the lines of: "/A unless B, then C." Just confused on how ... former example provided by J.Y. Would it still be the ...
I swear I remember learning in one of the lessons that the lawgic if A then B and C can be rewritten as if A and B then C and vise versa but I can't find that lesson anywhere and am not sure if I just made that rule up in my head. Is this lawgic logical?
... I accuse X of significantly harming Y by smoking in Y's presence ... . That X's second ... really detrimental to Y's health. But what ifX and Y were in ... people that were all smoking, then would it still be accurate ...