@"mackenzie_fitzgerald" said:
Good advice, thanks!
I asked an attorney about this ... she said those cases are handled almost exclusively by the Public Defender's office. She works for Legal Aid and has also worked for PD.
... with the help of international institutions or organizations.
A JD international law program is usually just ... constitute being involved with international lawyer ranging from somewhat ... of the jet setting international human rights lawyer fighting ...
When you have a specific question it is best to cite the PT #, Section #, and Question #, as some questions or passages cover similar topics. Not saying it's the case here but it helps people come to your aid more quickly.
Also, is it possible to randomly find it on a Google search? If so I would disclose everywhere. Just because a background check might not be international doesn't mean that this couldn't easily turn up elsewhere given the nature of the Internet.
... as the Yale Journal f International Law Online http://www.yjil ... papers abroad at international conferences... worked for international organizations AND led project ...
... give merit or need-based aid on their own. If you ... HYS don't give merit aid, but do give need-based ... aid, while pretty much every other ... in the country gives merit aid in some way shape or ...
Since I am not a citizen and can't apply for federal loans, can anyone tell a bit more about need based aid. I mean I know it depends a lot on the schools you are applying to but how much do they cover ( rough idea )